Friday 26 February 2010

Be A Real Life Barbie And Live in A (Recycled) Plastic House

The BBC news website has reported on a Swansea company called Affresol that is building homes from recycled plastic. Affresol, uses a patented low energy 'cold' process to combine minerals and recycled plastic to construct the houses which it estimates should have a life span of at least sixty years. The recycled plastic and minerals are used to construct Thermo Poly Rock (TPR) panels, which provide the basis for the houses. These TPR panels form a load bearing structure for the houses and, ever eco friendly, the TPR panels can even be recycled themselves!

The innovative recycled eco-friendly homes and portable buildings made by Affresol have been developed and backed by money from the Welsh Assembly Government. Leuan Wyn Jones, the Economy Minister has commented that the TPR's "new sustainable process" had exciting potential for green jobs and construction growth. A pilot project is in the pipelines and Ian McPherson, managing director of Affresol has stated that he has high hopes for TPR products in boosting the Welsh economy as well as having a global impact on the development of eco homes.

Whilst we all may have to wait a few more years to be real life Barbies and live in eco friendly plastic houses, there are several recycled plastic eco gifts around which can help us do our bit for the environment in the meantime. Eco gifts, such as beautiful and stylish Zipped Tote Bags which are made from recycled plastic and Woven Juice Carton bags are both environmentally friendly and also help contribute towards economic sustainability. The Woven Juice carton bags are a great example of eco gifts with a conscience. These eco gifts are made in the Philippines from juice cartons collected locally from schools and hospitals and the whole processes helps to create jobs for local people.

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