Friday 23 May 2008

Recycling Cans

Eco Fact: Every day 80 million food and drink cans end up in landfill

Recycle your food cans and you will be doing your bit to help stop them going to landfill. Rinse cans at the end of your washing up and recycle. Aluminium cans are the most cost-effective materials to recycle, so don’t waste them! Recycled aluminium from cans is used extensively to make new products.

Steel cans are also valuable and well worth recycling. They are easily separated from the aluminium with magnets at the Materials Reclamation Facility. On average, every single person in Britain uses 240 steel cans each year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very interesting article highlighting a subject that is about to become more and more of a problem in the coming years. The company I work for has recently developed a recycling station encompassing four bins for internal or external use in offices, schools, public buildings etc. The station consists of bins for the recycling of: Glass / Plastic / Paper / cans. The stations are ideal for any company or public body wanting to enhance their recycling capabilities and can also help towards achiving the ISO 14000 Environmental Standard. We are now looking into all the systmes currently used for recycling and looking at ways of developing new improved systems. Our present range of recycling bins can be bought at