Friday, 11 April 2008

Have you heard about Liftshare?

Whilst continuing our research on ways to go green we came across an interesting website called Liftshare the other day. Liftshare was set up in 1997 with the initial aim of making more efficient use of the millions of empty cars on UK roads by encouraging and enabling more people to share their car journeys. They help individuals to find travel companions to share the journey and offer a wide choice of travel modes not just cars! We thought this was a great idea and wanted to share our findings with you.

Liftshare are recognized internationally as leaders in the field of online journey matching. They have a friendly and professional team who work with many different organisations helping them to set up their own liftshare programmes. Before liftshare was founded, organised journey sharing was almost unheard of in the UK. They have worked extremely hard to make the concept of UK journey-sharing a reality.

Why not take a look at their website which gives a full run down on exactly what they do.

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